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Chester Bennington’s Suicide Note found Linkin Park

Chester Bennington’s Suicide Note found in his songs: SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: We have listened to a lot of Linkin Park in the last few days including the new album “ONE MORE LIGHT” and we must admit we never realized that almost every song Chester ever sang was about the struggle to not kill himself. A lot of people talked bad about the new album because it wasn't a Rock Album but honestly as a singer the new album truly shows how incredible Chester really was. It also shows how deeply rooted his depression was. Chester Bennington's Short Biography Songs like "Heavy", "One More Light" and "No One Can Save Me" lyrically mapped out his suicidal plan. "Leave Out All The Rest" was basically a suicide note. These songs when truly listened to after his death are monumentally eerie. If you don't believe Chester Bennington killed himself then we suggest reading some Lyrics because it seems to be all he ever thought about. It

किन Neutral विद्यार्थीको समर्थनमा टाउके नेताहरु उपस्थीत हुदैनन्

The shortest answer would be that these faggots don't care. Since this is a blog post and you certainly must have come here for more, let me elaborate this to you.
The नेताजी are not so much different from the irresponsible goons and government clowns that we have at our administration. Since they are controlled and handled from their party leaders. In accordance to the fake promises of job grantee and other petty personal लोभ, विद्यार्थी नेताहरु do mostly work under these मोटे भुडें नेताs..
It is not totally their fault though.. it is what they are taught.. and most of them do really believe that they owe something to the party for the party will have done them a favor.. like भर्ना and things like that.
These freaks do not understand that we all are equal, we all have equal rights and all sort of civilized things like that. We sincerely hope that they do some day.

So far as we are aware of, नेता do not do things that do not give benefit directly to them. They have this मनस्थीति that they are some kind of superior being and that they are some sort of super heroes setting things right and stuff like that..
हाम्रो माहान तथा गौरबसाली POTATO POLITICAL NEWS AGENCY का सम्बाददाताका अनुसार no नेता were present in support of students who were there to बिरोध गरing of that stupid rule of 300 per back paper. We also think that it is stupid and that it is not scientific or having any fucking logical explanation to it. पत्रु University को उपनाम पाएको कास्की स्थित पोखरा बिश्वबिध्यालय getting पत्रुअर everyday!!
चरम लापरबाही, हदसम्मको गैरजिम्मेवारीपन र आफ्नो कर्तव्य बाट विमुख भएको शैक्षिक संस्थाको विशिष्ट उदाहरण बन्न पुगेको यस Nepal Engineering College अहिले डुब्न लागेको Titanic समान भएको छ | Politics नामक अनेकन प्वालहरु भएको यस संस्थाको गुणस्तर दिन प्रति दिन खस्कदै गएको भएता पनि विद्यार्थीहरु सँग लिने सेवा शुल्क भने आकाशिएको आकशियै छ । Where is the union to address this?
लाज पचेको कलेज प्रशासनले समयमै गर्ने एउटा मात्रै काम भनेको फी असुल्ने हो.. बाँकीको काम भनेको कैले जाला घाम, अनि घर जाम भने झैँ गर्छन यहाँका कर्मचारीहरु.. न त वास्ता छ विद्यार्थीहरुको; न त सम्मान, न त सद्भावना वा अलिकति पनि कर्तव्य निष्टता | कति internal marks नपठाएको निहुँमा बिचल्लीमा परे, कतिको कापी परिक्षा केन्द्रबाटै गायब भयो, कतिको कापी काट्ने ले नै लापरबाही गरे होलान.. परीक्षा समयमा केन्द्रमा कलेज बाट एउटानि प्रतिनिधि जादैनन् यस लाज पचेको संस्थाबाट |विद्यार्थीबाट पैसा चै जे होस् उसुलेका छन्.. शैक्षिकरुपमा असफल भएपनि ब्यापारिक रुपमा भने सफलताको चुलीमा dance गरिराखेको छ Nepal Engineering College. सबै त होइनन् तर अधिकाँश विद्यार्थी तातेको अवस्था छ.. तर कलेज भने मौन छ.. खाली फी माग्ने बेला मात्र बोल्ने कलेजको बानी देखि विद्यार्थीहरु आरुष्ट भए झैँ देखिन्छ |
Resultमा घोर लापरबाही भएको विद्यार्थीहरु बताउछन्... अझ त्येस्माथी कलेज प्रशासन मुक दर्सक भएकोमा साह्रै दुख प्रकट गर्दै अन्दोलनमा लागेको बताए.. आखिर कति सहून त?? न्याय नपाए अदालतमा समेत पुग्ने निर्णय भएको उनले हाम्रो माहान तथा गौरबसाली POTATO POLITICAL NEWS AGENCY का सम्बाददातालाई बताए |
पीडित विद्यार्थीले राहत पाउन, चाडै खुलोस त्यो अभागी ताल्चा , बिश्वबिध्यालय एबं कलेजले गरिरहेको लापरबाही र विद्यार्थीको जीवन माथि भइरहेको खेलवाड तुरुन्त रोकियोस् र येस्ता लज्जास्पद समाचार फेरी फेरी सुन्न नापरिरहोस!! येही छ हाम्रो कामना..
केहि भन्नु छ भने हामीलाई सम्पर्क राख्नुहोला Facebook पेजमा.. तपाईंको दिन शुभ रहोस..
"There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you.." - V for Vendetta
You all are awesome!!

If there is anything you need to say or share among the fans of Bajeko @ NEC.. Then please send it in our inbox.. We will happily share it.. and share or not share your name as per your request.. default is 'not share' as we believe that ideas are important.. than names!


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